Tuesday, March 4, 2025 
--archival-captured-cinematronic-continuity error-daily report-datastream-depth of field--
--drama-44.1 khz-gramophone-inquisitive-needle drops-picture book-twinklepop--
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narrative. Marc Renshaw was born in Perth, Australia in 1971. In 1991 he studied photography and art at Perth TAFE. In 1995 he completed a B.A. Fine Art (Honours) at nearby Curtin University, majoring in printmaking. In 1997 his work was included in Rhythm Collective, an exhibition of the best young artists and designers in Perth.

Renshaw has exhibited since 1992; in 2002 he was a featured artist in the Newcastle "This Is Not Art" Festival. This event featured works from "Unclear Family," his first Melbourne solo show. During a six-month art residency in Melbourne, Renshaw completed the body of work "While I Sat I Was Moved." He is currently working in Northern NSW preparing for his next show.

"My work has been described as part disjointed advertising, part social propaganda, while retaining the feel of traditional printmaking techniques. I am influenced visually from a diverse range of subjects, including mid-20th century advertising, ancient textiles, comic books, subversive street art and fine-art printmaking. I use mainly printmaking techniques and painting and drawing in my work to create individual pieces, rather than making editions.

My work is concerned primarily with the theme of personal identity, and how it is developed and defined through experiences and interactions. Using travel and different locations as a catalyst for this process, I travel and re-locate as much as possible.

My current body of work is concerned with the way our subconscious may hold the blueprint to our true individual identity, and how this differs from our projected self. I am particularly interested in exploring the idea that the mind is a container permanently storing the relevant information that shapes and influences our individuality, and how we recite this information.

The use of a series of personalized symbols and codes correlating to experiences allows the formation for my visual storytelling. I see my current work as observational, like diary entries."

(December 2002)

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