Tuesday, March 4, 2025 
--archival-captured-cinematronic-continuity error-daily report-datastream-depth of field--
--drama-44.1 khz-gramophone-inquisitive-needle drops-picture book-twinklepop--
Neumu = Art + Music + Words
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EXHIBIT - Guidelines For Exhibiting At Neumu

Exhibit is an online gallery space for artists and designers to feature their work and is curated by Neumu co-founder and creative director, Emme Stone.

Exhibit's primary objective is to provide exposure for promising artists and designers.

Exhibit is open for submissions in the following media: painting, drawing, sculpture, conceptual and installation art.

How To Apply

To submit an application, please send (no more than) three (3) of your exhibit artworks in GIF or JPG format to exhibit@neumu.net. Please make sure the combined size of your email attachments does not exceed 1MB.

If you are selected for an exhibition at Neumu, you will be required to provide the following:

1. A title for your exhibit

2. A brief autobiography and artistic statement (approximately 250 words in length)

3. Between nine (9) and fifteen (15) good quality images of your original artworks in GIF or JPG format (resolution: 72 dpi, dimensions: 600 x 600 pixels)*

4. For each artwork, please provide the following:
i) Title of artwork
ii) Year artwork completed (e.g. 2004)
iii) Materials used
iv) Dimensions (in centimetres)
v) Comment about artwork (50 words maximum)**
5. If desired, a website address that you would like us to link to from your exhibit

* Where an image is not square, please make sure that either the height or the length of it reaches 600 pixels. ** Comments for each work are optional but encouraged.

Copyright Information

No payment is required from exhibiting artists and, likewise, no payment is offered. Copyright remains at all times with the creator of the respective works. Should an exhibiting artist wish to sell any works featured, Neumu will provide the facility for potential buyers to contact the artist directly via email. No commission will be taken for works sold via Neumu and Neumu takes no responsibility for these private transactions.

More Details

For more information and/or enquiries, please email exhibit@neumu.net.

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