Sunday, February 9, 2025 
--archival-captured-cinematronic-continuity error-daily report-datastream-depth of field--
--drama-44.1 khz-gramophone-inquisitive-needle drops-picture book-twinklepop--
Neumu = Art + Music + Words
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44.1kHz - Neumu's looking for a few good writers... Editors & interns too!

We're looking for some folks who are as obsessed with music as we are and can write. This is a volunteer position. If you're interested in being considered and want to review albums or write news stories and artist profiles, email a few samples of your writing to Michael Goldberg.


We're looking for an intern or two, folks who are excited about being part of Neumu and who are willing to help with such tedious work as updating various sections of the Neumu website on a daily and weekly basis. This is a volunteer position. If interested, send an email to Michael Goldberg.


If you've got the ability to edit copy, and want some experience working on the coolest pop culture website around, Neumu can use you. We are looking for someone who can assist with editing reviews, Datastream stories and/or columns. This is a volunteer position. If interested, send an email to Michael Goldberg.

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